Home SF, in partnership with its HUD approved member agencies and other community partners, supports renters through:

Rental Opportunities

Find and apply for affordable rental housing in San Francisco

Rental Housing Application Assistance 

Get free application assistance for San Francisco’s affordable rental options by local housing counseling agencies!

Rental Education

Live workshops, videos and counseling provided by various rental service providers in San Francisco.

New Project Pipeline

Post-lottery lease status on MOHCD rental buildings.

Emergency Rental Assistance

You may now apply for rental assistance through the San Francisco Emergency Rental Assistance Program (SF ERAP).

Rent Assistance

Rental assistance programs help low-income households pay rent by providing financial assistance, some in the form of a subsidy to cover the gap between what the household can afford and actual rent, some in a move-in deposit and/or first month’s rent, or for other potential barriers for a family to obtain permanent housing.

Eviction Prevention

If you are a tenant who has received eviction court papers, contact Eviction Defense Collaborative immediately for legal support.

Eviction Defense Collaborative
 1338 Mission St.
[email protected]
Visit in-person Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10-11:30am and 1-2:30pm

Renter Resources

Connect with organizations providing rental housing support and citywide programs.