Foreclosure Prevention Counseling
Have you missed a mortgage payment? Contact Home SF at 415-202-5464 or email [email protected] to schedule a free Foreclosure Prevention Counseling Appointment at one of the HUD approved agencies in San Francisco: ASIAN, Inc., BALANCE, MEDA, or SFHDC.
- Do not ignore the problem!
- A housing counselor can help you to negotiate with your mortgage lender.
- Open and respond to all mail and communications from your lender.
- Keep a log of all conversations with lender including date and person you spoke to.
In order to prepare for a productive meeting with a HUD Certified Housing Counselor, gather and bring the documents listed below to your appointment, which you will also need to apply for foreclosure assistance programs.
如果您面臨財務困難並且拖欠按揭付款或正在努力按時付款中 – 我們建議您馬上開始探索您其他的選擇。您可以安排一個諮詢預約,與其中一家三藩市 HUD 的非牟利房屋顧問機構交談。我們非牟利房屋顧問機構提供免費止贖幹預一對一諮詢服務。
Si tiene dificultades pagando su hipoteca, lo animamos a explorar sus opciones hoy mismo. Contactenos para programar una cita con una de las agencias aprobadas por HUD en San Francisco. Estas agencias brindan asesoramiento GRATUITO para intervenir una ejecución hipotecaria.
Kung may hinaharap kayong mga suliraning pampinansiyal at ikaw ay nahuhuli sa iyong bayad sa bahay o nahihirapang magbayad nang wasto sa oras – hinihikayat namin kayong simulang alamin ngayon ang inyong mga mapagpipiliang katugunan. Humiling ng oras upang makipag-pulong sa isang tagapagpayo sa pabahay mula sa isa sa mga ahensiyang aprubado ng HUD sa San Francisco. Ang mga ahensiyang ito ay nagbibigay ng LIBRENG pagku-kunsulta laban sa foreclosure.
Apply for Foreclosure Assistance Programs Now!
If you are having trouble making your mortgage payments, explore these options with your housing counselor and obtain assistance with your application
The program is absolutely free and the funds do not need to be repaid. The program is open to all eligible Californians who are currently experiencing pandemic-related hardships and have fallen behind on their housing payments.
Eligible applicants must be at or below 100% of their county’s Area Median Income, own a single-family home, condo or permanently affixed manufactured home and have faced a pandemic-related financial hardship after January 21, 2020, and also meet at least one of the following qualifications: Receiving public assistance; Severely housing burdened; or have no alternative mortgage workout options through your mortgage servicer.
HELP (Homeowner Emergency Loan Program) loans may be used for: Past due Mortgage Payments, Past due HOA monthly dues, Past due property taxes, Special assessments (e.g. renovation costs passed down to residents), BMR Homeowners in need of financial assistance to complete necessary repairs in order to sell property. Applications must be submitted through your housing counselor.
Beware of Loan Modification & Foreclosure Scams
A dangerous threat has arisen for homeowners who have fallen behind on their mortgage payments and may be at risk of foreclosure – opportunistic companies. They often refer to themselves as a “foreclosure consultant” or “mortgage consultant,” and market themselves as a “foreclosure service”, “foreclosure rescue agency” or “loan modification company.” They count on homeowners being vulnerable and desperate.
These companies claim they can assist homeowners facing foreclosure with options that allow them to keep their property, refinance or modify an existing mortgage, repair credit or help “buy more time.” In reality, these “options” are intended to convince you to take the wrong steps so they can take your money and possibly your home. Remember the old saying, “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. ”
Be safe. It is important that you take action by contacting a local HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agency to help you explore your options, which may range from modifying your loan, refinancing or selling and transitioning with dignity.
Additional Foreclosure Prevention Resources
Use the following resources and information to guide you in sustaining your home if possible.
- Know your options – Fannie Mae
- My Home – Freddie Mac
- Loan Modification Program -CalHFA
- California Homeowner Bill of Rights -Attorney General