The Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development and the SF LGBT center, invite those interested to attend a workshop on HIV housing services. This workshop is meant to provide an overview and basic knowledge that is relevant to anyone supporting a person or person(s) requesting HIV housing services in San Francisco. Providers and staff in the following service categories can benefit from this workshop: leasing agents, property managers, housing counselors, housing service providers, social service providers (case managers, community health workers, social workers, caretakers, eligibility workers, etc.), financial planning providers/payees as well as mental health providers.
Participants will gain basic HIV housing knowledge, understand housing program distinctions and their respective referral/application process including eligibility criteria, understand relevant housing assistance processes and protocols and learn how to improve your housing navigation and rental assistance/support for clients.
After the workshop, you will be able to meet or schedule a 1-on-1 with a representative from MOHCD or the Center to answer individual questions!
Presented by the SF LGBT Center, MOHCD, and Openhouse
*This is a HYBRID workshop that will be conducted IN-PERSON and via Zoom. Information on how to join the workshop (including Zoom link) will be in your confirmation email.
In-person Location: SF LGBT Center, 1800 Market St 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94102
Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions, concerns, or need further assistance with this process. Please DO NOT wait until the day of right before the workshop to contact us as we cannot guarantee a quick response.